Buying a business (including a Franchise)

As each transaction is unique, please call me at 416-259-1155 to discuss. I would strongly urge you to make any agreement to purchase a business, conditional on both your accountant and lawyer's review of the transaction. If applicable, the agreement of purchase of sale should also be conditional on any financing you will need, franchise, alcohol and gaming commission (liquor license) and/or landlord's approval.

Selling a business

As each transaction is unique, please call me at 416-259-1155 to discuss. I would strongly urge you to make any agreement to purchase a business, conditional on both your accountant and lawyer's review of the transaction. If applicable, the agreement of purchase of sale should also be conditional on franchise and/or landlord's approval.

Legal Resources for Businesses and Corporations

Business Corporations Act (Ontario)

Canada Business Corporations Act

CRA Guide for Canadian Small Businesses